2024 Friendship Conference

The conference is schedule for Friday, 30 August 2024 through Sunday, 1 September 2024.

Questions about conference: Feel free to call me (Dan Holst) anytime at 563-209-3722

  1. What are the dates of the conference?
    • The conference begins on Friday, August 30, 2024 and concludes on Sunday, September 1, 2024.
  2. What events are scheduled for the conference?
  • Friday: We welcome and get to know each other, this is accompanied by a colorful program of costumed dancers and music by “Spielmannszügen”.
  • Saturday Morning: There will be a lecture program on the history of Schleswig-Holstein and the emigration from North Frisia/Schleswig-Holstein to America. In the breaks you can get information about emigration and family research, you will find tables of AGGSH (Working Community Genealogy Schleswig-Holstein), IGeFF (community of interests own family research) and NFI (Nordfriisk Instiuut).
  • Saturday Afternoon/Evening: In the afternoon, excursions to the area will be offered, for example to the Hallig (Little island) Nordstrandischmoor or to the island Nordstrand with a boat trip through the Wadden Sea. Alternatively, a history tour is provided; this goes to the city of Husum to Ludwig-Nissen-house possibly also to the nearby castle. A barbecue evening should conclude this day.
  • Sunday: A Low German church service followed by a lunch will conclude the friendship conference.
  • Addendum: The SHF group (Schleswig-Holstein family verein (foundation) will help answer questions on emigration and connection to the USA.
  1. Does everyone travel independently or as a group? Should I use a travel agent or make plans independently?
  • I am personally working on group travel to Hamburg. There are several questions associated to this. 1) If I originate outside of the area of group travel origination can I get added to the group travel without having to claim my luggage and then rechecking it through check-in and proceed through security. 1a) I’m working on this so that such a scenario will not happen. 2) Will group travel all have to return on the same day to the US. 2a) This is a question I’m also currently working on. 3) Can I get group travel if I want to arrive a few days early? 3a) I’m working on two group travel situation. One that arrives just in time for the conference and leaves right afterwards and another that arrives a few days early and/or departs a few days afterwards for those who wish to spend time on personal travel.
  • I have found a great flight for group travel on Swiss Air from Chicago to Hamburg departing August 28 and returning on September 2. If you want to travel with group that includes escorted travel from Hamburg to Bredstedt, please contact me directly and I will book the flight for you. We can use either your credit card info, or send a check to me or ASHHS for the cost, but I want to book everyone’s flight on this group to ensure everyone gets the correct flight. The cost is approximately $1250. If you are unsure right now, I can still book it, but at a fully refundable ticket with additional cost.
  • Contact me directly at 563-209-3722 or danielwholst@gmail.com
  1. How will we get from Hamburg to Bredstedt?
  • I am personally hoping for horse buggy, but that won’t happen. I am arriving the week prior to the conference and will have all practical travel means ready for all travelers who won’t be renting their own cars. I will ensure everyone can navigate the train system and other public transportation. You will know how to get from Hamburg to Bredstedt before departing the states.
  1. Will time be spent in Hamburg before (of after) the conference to visit sites including the Emigration Museum?
  • If you have the time, sure. If others are interested, perhaps a side trip outside of conference dates can be arranged.
  1. Where are we staying in Bredstedt? Will activities be within walking distance?
  • Lodging is currently in the works. Please stay tuned.
  1. What is the cost of the conference, lodging, or other costs for the conference?
  • More to come
  1. Is there anything planned after the conference, or will we all go our separate ways?
  • Somewhat answered, but as always more to come
  1. The January/February ASHHS newsletter outlined key activities. Have any been added?
  • Keep looking at the “Addendum” section of question 2
  1. Is knowing German required?
  • No. But knowing some German is always beneficial. Don’t worry though if you don’t.
  1. Should I bring cash or a credit/debit card?
  • Always bring some cash. Talk to your bank about getting some Euro. But for the most part credit and debit cards (Those associated with Visa primarily) can be used most anywhere and offer the best exchange rates. European ATMs all have an English language option. Also inform your credit card companies of your travels abroad so they don’t assume your card was stolen.
  1. What about cell phones and other mobile electronics?
  • By all means bring them, but contact your carrier to ensure they are set to an international plan so that you can use them in Germany as you would normally in the States. A small fee is usually required.