ASHHS President’s Bi-Monthly message to all members (Current Message at top of page.)

July 1, 2023
Twenty-six years ago in 1997, Glen Sievers and friends helped Walcott, Iowa and Bredenbek, Germany come together as sister cities.
This year, on July 15th, Walcott will celebrate their sister city relationship with Bredenbek during their Walcott Day. Please see the information on this page for how to find out more information.
Hans-Werner Hamann, a former mayor of Bredenbek and a consistent contributor to the ASHHS newsletter, will be here during Walcott Day to help commemorate this relationship.
He has also written an article in this issue to help us learn the history of Bredenbek.
ASHHS will have a presence at the celebration and in the parade.
We are excited to see Ha-We and everyone else during the celebration.
Your President
Franz Neff
May 1, 2023
I attended the celebration of life that was held for ASHHS cofounder Glenn Sievers.
After attending a formal service, a celebration was held at the Durant, Iowa American Legion. We listened and talked about Glenn and his legacy as a local farmer and as cofounder of ASHHS.
His efforts to found ASHHS involved discussions back in the 1980s with like-minded people to include the German Ambassador in Chicago.
We sang some of his favorite German songs Wo Die Nordseewellen and the Plattduetsch song Nu Geit Dat Weder Los.
We enjoyed the time we spent with everyone reminiscing about all the stories we told and the many more that we learned.
Glenn, we will miss you and all your contributions.
Your President
Franz Neff